Thursday, September 2, 2010

Be an Andrew

The Apostle Andrew is not someone who we typically regard as major player in the Gospel account. In fact he is only mentioned 3 times in scripture (John 1, 6 and 12) but I have recently learned that each time he is mentioned in scripture, he is introducing someone to Jesus! Not much more is said about Andrew but not much more needs to be said in my opinion! What a testimony to have that every time you are mentioned you are introducing someone to Jesus! Often we think that there is little we can do for the Lord or we don't know what to do for the Lord. We need to focus more on being like Andrew. Andrew cast the line and let Jesus land the fish. Here is man who won souls to Christ just by introducing people to their Savior. Like the Samarian woman by the well who went back to her village and told the people there "Come behold a man". She had no theological background or training, she had no in depth knowledge of scripture she simply said "come behold a man" and she let Jesus do the rest and by that simple act an entire village was saved. It’s worth mentioning that one of the people Andrew introduced to Jesus was his brother Peter. How many countless precious souls have been won for Christ through Peter's Spirit filled words and actions? We have no clue the harvest that might be reaped by bringing just one soul before Jesus. So today, be an Andrew and introduce someone to The Lord Jesus Christ!